Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tips for teething babies with a cold!

Hi lovelies! Its been a few days since my last post, I feel like I've had no time to do anything! When Alfie has a little nap, I think right I'll post on my blog..then I end up falling asleep before the laptop has even turned on! Zzzz! Anyway as you all know the weather at moment is horrendous, so I'm sure there is a lot of snuffley bums out there suffering from a cold! Where does all this rain keep coming from, its driving me insane! I can't wait till Summer comes! Sunglasses, shorts, tan, water fights, cocktails..oh bring it on! :) 

We've been quite lucky as Alfies only had one cold so far! Even though it was a scary time for me and my partner as he had Croup at the same time, which is a really bad cough and made it so difficult for him to breathe! Doctors don't recommend cough medicine for babies though due to the side effects so we had to try other methods to help him get better!.

So this post is all about my tips and tricks for babies with a cold and what we use, also babies that are teething too! Both at the same time can be hard work!

Sophie La Giraffe

Alfie absolutely loves his Sophie giraffe! She has been a massive help whenever he's been teething or just wanted something to have a chew on, he even falls asleep with her sometimes in his hand its adorable! Shes easy to grip, very soft, flexy and made of natural rubber, which is 100% safe and non toxic for babies to chew and teeth on. Alfie loves to chew her legs or her ears, he can sit there for hours with her! When she is squeezed she makes a little squeak and that makes it a little bit more fun for him! I love the little story behind her fact she has been around for more than 40 years! 
The design and packaging is really lovely too, she even comes with a birth certificate! I really recommend Sophie for anyone with a baby, not only is she a teether but shes a toy too. I'm so glad we bought her! You can get one here :)


A definite must have in the house! Calpol is just magic! Although I don't like to give Alfie medicine unless he really needs it. When he went through a stage of having a cold, croup and teething this was a saviour for us it really helped him get better and sleep better too! I always keep a bottle in his changing bag just incase. My mum always said nothing else worked for me when I was younger, so he must take after his Mummy!

Calpol Nasel Spray

Another really good help for babies with a cold. Alfie found it hard to breathe whilst eating so we used this 10-15 mins before a feed to clear the airways.

Snuffle Baby Vapour rub

This is a another great product to help with babies breathing! You only need a tiny bit as its quite a strong smell. I'd pop some on Alfies chest before he went to bed to help him breathe better! Love the name of it too, it really helps with those snuffles!

Teething rings and Teething gel

Cool teething rings are great for soothing those gums and reducing the redness in Alfies rosy cheeks, I pop a bit of teething gel on too to help numb the gums. It can be abit slippy and slidy using the gel, and the fact alfie likes to eat it instead doesn't help haha! But still a must have!


Lots and lots of fluids are essential! Alfie was off his milk when he had a cold and would only drink water. He was really thirsty throughout the day and through the night so we had to keep up with the water demand to keep him hydrated.

I've listed a few more tips and tricks below which really helped Alfie -

Running the shower on the hottest setting for 10 mins, and sitting in there with him whilst its all steamy to try clear the airways.

Raising the cot mattress slightly with a book or rolled up towel underneath.

Cuddles, and lots of them! We all love a cuddles and extra attention when we are poorly so this really did help relax him and take his mind off it.

Hope these little tips helped, if you have any please let me know! :)

Chloe xxx


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